Configuring Format of SIPREC Metadata

You can configure the format of the XML-based recording metadata that the device generates and includes in the SIP messages that it sends to the recording server (SRS). It is important that the device generates the metadata in a format that is acceptable by the SRS.

The device supports the following formats:

RFC 7865 - the device generates the recording metadata in a format that is according to RFC 7865, whereby all IDs (e.g., participant ID) are in Base64 format. This metadata format also includes additional XML tags with association information (e.g., "<participantsessionassoc>").
Legacy (default) - The device generates the recording metadata in a "legacy" format, whereby the user part of the participant URI (source or destination) is used as the ID.
To configure the format of the metadata:
1. Open the SIP Recording Settings page (Setup menu > Signaling & Media tab > SIP Recording folder > SIP Recording Settings).

Configuring SIPREC Metadata Format

2. From the 'SIP Recording Metadata Format' drop-down list, select the desired format.
3. Click Apply.